Welcome to the TGA Travel Shop!

Welcome to the Travel Shop, your one-stop destination for all those must-have travel items that will make your globetrotting experiences even more awesome! I’m here to share some exciting goodies that Mike and I have personally discovered during our countless escapades abroad. Trust me, these items have become our loyal companions, and we simply can’t imagine traveling without some of them.

From practical essentials to quirky and innovative gadgets, our recommendations cover it all. We’ve got the perfect travel gear to keep you organized, comfortable, and ever-ready for any unexpected twists and turns along the way. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker, a culture enthusiast, or a beach bum, we’ve got you covered. 
Now, let’s talk about the items themselves. We’ve handpicked the most versatile and top-notch products that have proven their worth during our travels.
Let the Travel Shop be your inspiration before embarking on your journey into uncharted territories. Don’t leave home without these tried-and-trusted items that will transform your travel experience!

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Down Jacket

Down Feather Jacket

The secret to not looking like the Michelin Man is having quality thermal wear when visiting colder regions in winter. Its a MUST have for European winters.

travel shop

Travel Adapter

Don’t get caught out not being able to charge your devices. Small to pack and lightweight, so DONT forget to pack it in!

travel shop

Selfie Stick/Tripod

I swore I would never be “one of those ppl” but it really comes in handy for time-laps shots and you dont pull that face when trying to take a selfie.

travel shop

Comfortable Shoes

You’re going to do a lot of walking, so get yourself a comfortable pair of shoes. If going somewhere in winter, make sure they are waterproof.

Travel shop

Travel Pillow

Getting a few hours sleep on a long haul flight is crucial. So invest in a light/breathable neck pillow. Trust me it makes all the difference. 



You’re not on holiday to read, but there will be many opportunities to get a few pages in. The light weight Kindel is the best option for avid book worms. 

TV Mi-Stick

Dongle XIAOMI Mi Stick

We don’t leave home without our Tv Stick! Pre-load your streaming accounts and just plug into the HDMI slot at your accommodation and “Presto”. No more flicking through foreign tv channels. 


Quality Suitcase

I’ve seen how suitcases get manhandled at the airports. No matter what brand you have or how much you paid it can and will get damaged. Invest in a metal hard shell suitcase.

Amazon Books

Amazon Books

So you have the Kindle, now sign up for an Amazon Book account to simply download the latest best sellers. 

travel shop

Noise Cancelling Headphones

Getting sleep on a flight is crucial. Block out external sounds with noise cancelling headphones and get the sleep you need.

Luggage Tracker Tag

Luggage Tracker Tag

Touch wood I have never had my luggage lost, but you would be amazed at how often it happens and with little or no support from the airline. 

travel shop

Reusable Water Bottle

Reduce your carbon footprint while saving a few buck! Simply fill it up after going through customs. 

travel shop

Amazon Audible

No time to read? Then try an audio book. Sign up and try it out on a free trail. Perfect for when there is nothing to watch on inflight entertainment.

travel shop

Luggage Travel Cubes

No more messy suitcases and creased clothing. Conveniently organised cubes maximise packing space and facilitate packing/unpacking. 

travel shop

Day Back Pack

You are going to be doing a lot of walking and need space to carry essentials, not to mention purchasing some goodies. Get yourself a small/light back pack that can easily be flat packed in your luggage.

We hope you have enjoyed our Travel Shop ideas.
If you have others in mind, please let us know and we will consider adding them.
Planning a vacation? See our Travel Resources page to get price comparisons on flights, car hire and accommodation!